Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful...

...But Florida will be soooo delightful!!!

Here's what was going on at my house at 5 a.m. this morning, after a night of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Not pretty, although it's good to know the remote starter for my car works when I really need it (that would be the man in the hat!). I stuck my head out the front door to take this picture and although you can't see it, freezing rain was pelting down. I did manage to make it to work, and the roads weren't too, too bad. The kids have a two-hour school delay. Caitlin will need it, since we were up until 11:30 last night working on her Holocaust report.

Did you catch American Idol last night? Is it my imagination, or is Simon going soft? I can't believe some of the people they let through...

My sister-in-law is coming by this afternoon so that John can give her a walk-through of things she needs to know (like the fact that our dishwasher doesn't work, and how to open the damper in the fireplace). Caitlin has a 3:30 hair appointment with Nick, John and I are going to grab a bite to eat at Michaels (one day early to beat the V-Day rush), and I have a Silpada jewelry party to go to tonight. I love their jewelry; I just wish I wouldn't end up losing it all!

1 comment:

Allie said...

You guys are going to have so much fun!!! We'll be thinking of you, wishing we were searching for shark teeth on Venice beach instead of shovelling slush out here in western Mass.